The rattan cane webbing (open cane webbing, machine woven cane paneling, sheet cane, tonett thonett) caned sitter part chairs and rocking chairs are popular pieces of our flat. These chair are comfortable. The cane webbing fixed into the wood structure of the chair are the weakest point of these chairs.

Many times we can see the the skeleton of the chair which was being made from wood are in perfect condition but the cane webbing are damaged or split. Everybody who used to tinker can repair these chairs.
Practically the repair mean you have to change the cane webbing on the chair. We undertake the repair of chairs, but for the sake of the long distance carrying chair to repair are not economical.
We give you not only the repair kit but our many years experiences on a DVD disc.

Chair with peddig cane place round (circle) shape notch  in the timber.

The main characteristic part of the hand caned chairs: there are no round (cirle) shape notch in the timber construction, but have many holes on the brink of the seat part of the chairs and the canes are threaded singly.

Those chairs which have many holes on the brink of the seat part of the chairs and the canes are threaded singly, these so called hand caned chairs are more difficult cases. As you can see the picture in the right side.

Those chairs which have many holes on the brink of the seat part of the chairs and the canes are threaded singly, these so called hand caned chairs are more difficult cases. As you can see the picure in the right side.

Those chairs which have many holes on the brink of the seat part of the chairs and the canes are threaded singly, these so called hand caned chairs are more difficult cases. As you can see the picture in the right side.

At the under part of the chair you can see the threading. (at the back-rest it is masked)

How can you repair your caned chairs?

We offer a complete repair packet including a DVD disc. On the disc we present the steps of the repairing work from the start to the end. You can easily done your chars follow the steps.
Those people, who like to do it yourself (DIY), so they are not absolutely beginner. For the good quality repair work does not need long time practice, only must follow the instructions on the DVD disc.

What tools do you need for the repair which are not included in the repair packet:

  • scissors

  • wallpaper cutting knife

  • adhesive for timber industry (express type), white color. You can buy it in the DIY Shop

  • if you have upper miller machine you can clean more easily the old peddig cane from the notch, if you have not it, you can do it by hand

What data do you need for the price quotation or order?

You have to know the dimensions of the chair. Please, measure the largest size on the both ways. For example if you have a trapeze shape chair you have to measure the largest dimensions booth end-wise and width. Write for us these dimensions and the shape of the chairs and how many chairs have you got and your postal address. we send you detailed quotation for price in our answer.

Naturtrend Impex
6771 Szeged, Viola u. 1.

Repair of rocking chairs by Do It Yourself, rattan cane webbing chairs, open cane webbing, thonet.
Széknádazás, thonettszék ülőfelület javítása, székjavítás, nádazás, thonett.
Zamena španska trska na stolicama i radijator maskama.
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Repair of rocking chairs by Do It Yourself, rattan cane webbing chairs, open cane webbing, thonet.
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